4. YAML Specifications

This section provides details of the ISA and Platform spec YAML files that need to be provided by the user.

4.1. ISA YAML Spec


All integer fields accept values as integers or hexadecimals (can be used interchangeably) unless specified otherwise.

Different examples of the input yamls and the generated checked YAMLs can be found here : Examples

4.1.1. Vendor

  • Description: A string capturing the vendor name.

  • Examples:

    Vendor: Shakti
    Vendor: Incoresemi

4.1.2. Device

  • Description: A string capturing the device name.

  • Examples:

    Device: E-Class
    Device: C-Class

4.1.3. ISA

  • Description: Takes input a string representing the ISA supported by the implementation. All extension names (other than Zext) should be mentioned in upper-case. Z extensions should begin with an upper-case ‘Z’ followed by lower-case extension name (without Camel casing)

  • Default: This is a required field to be set by the user. No defaults exist.

  • Constraints:

    • Certain extensions are only valid in certain user-spec version. For, eg. Zifencei is available only in user-spec 2.3 and above.

    • The ISA string must be specified as per the convention mentioned in the specifications(like subsequent Z extensions must be separated with an ‘_’)

  • Examples:

    ISA: RV32IMA
    ISA: RV64IMAFDCZifencei

4.1.4. User_Spec_Version

  • Description: Version number of User/Non-priveleged ISA specification as string. Please enclose the version in “” to avoid type mismatches.

  • Default: 2.2

  • Constraints: should be a valid version later than 2.2

  • Examples:

    User_Spec_Version: "2.2"
    User_Spec_Version: "2.3"

4.1.5. Privilege_Spec_Version

  • Description: Version number of Priveleged ISA specification as string. Please enclose the version in “” to avoid type mismatches.

  • Default: “1.10”

  • Constraints: should be a valid version later than 1.10

  • Examples:

    Privilege_Spec_Version: "1.10"
    Privilege_Spec_Version: "1.11"

4.1.6. hw_data_misaligned_support

  • Description: A boolean value indicating whether hardware support for misaligned load/store requests exists.

  • Default: False

  • Constraints: None

  • Examples:

    hw_data_misaligned_support: True
    hw_data_misaligned_support: False

4.1.7. supported_xlen

  • Description: list of supported xlen on the target

  • Default: This is a required field to be set by the user. No defaults exist.

  • Constraints: list should include integers from: 32, 64 and/or 128. XLEN=128 is not fully supported though.

  • Examples:

    supported_xlen : [32]
    supported_xlen : [64, 32]
    supported_xlen : [64]

4.1.8. pmp_granularity

  • Description: Granularity of pmps

  • Default: 0

  • Constraints: None

  • Examples:

    pmp_granularity : 2
    pmp_granularity : 4

4.1.9. physical_addr_sz

  • Description: size of the physical address

  • Default: This is a required field to be set by the user. No defaults exist.

  • Constraints: cannot exceed 56 bits

  • Examples:

    physical_addr_sz : 32

4.1.10. custom_exceptions

  • Description: A dictionary of custom exceptions implemented by the device. Each node in the dictionary contains 3 fields:

    • cause_val: and integer indicating the cause value associated with that exception. Cannot be a reserved cause value.

    • cause_name: a string containing the name of the exception

    • priv_mode: a string containing one-of M, S or U indicating the privilege mode to which the exception is associated with.

  • Default: null dictionary indicating no custom exceptions exist.

  • Constraints: Reserved encodings cannot be used in cause_val

  • Examples:

      - cause_val: 25
        cause_name: mycustom
        priv_mode: M
      - cause_val: 26
        cause_name: mycustom2
        priv_mode: M

4.1.11. custom_interrupts

  • Description: A dictionary of custom interrupts implemented by the device. Each node in the dictionary contains 4 fields:

    • cause_val: and integer indicating the cause value associated with that interrupt. Cannot be a reserved cause value.

    • cause_name: a string containing the name of the interrupt

    • priv_mode: a string containing one-of M, S or U indicating the privilege mode to which the exception is associated with.

    • on_reset_enable: an integer which be 0 or 1, indicating the whether the interrupt is enable on reset or not.

  • Default: null dictionary indicating no custom exceptions exist.

  • Constraints: Reserved encodings cannot be used in cause_val

  • Examples:

      - cause_val: 25
        cause_name: mycustom
        priv_mode: M
        on_reset_enable: 1
      - cause_val: 26
        cause_name: mycustom2
        priv_mode: S
        on_reset_enable: 0

4.1.12. pte_ad_hw_update

  • Description: This is a boolean field indicating that when a virtual page is accessed and the A bit is clear, or is written and the D bit is clear, the implementation sets the corresponding bit(s) in the PTE in the hardware itself and does not raise an exception for this particular scenario. When set to False, a corresponding page-fault exception needs to be raised.

  • Default: False

  • Constraints: Can be set to True only if ‘S’ mode is implemented in the ISA and if stap.mode can be set to one of the virtualization modes.

  • Examples:

    pte_ad_hw_update: False
    pte_ad_hw_update: True

4.1.13. mtval_update

  • Description: This field a basically a bitmap. If bit n is set, it indicates that the device will update the mtval CSR with a non-zero value when an exception corresponding to cause n occurs. A value of zero will indicate that the exception n will update the mtval with value 0.

  • Default: 255 (set for exception cause values 0-7)

  • Constraints:

    • reserved bits [10, 11, 16-23, 32-47, >=64] must be zeros always

    • bits corresponding to page-faults can only be set if ‘S’ mode is implemented

    • bits corresponding to guest-page faults can only be set if ‘H’ mode is implemented

  • Examples:

    mtval_update: 0b1110

4.2. CSR Template

All csrs are defined using a common template. Two variants are available: csrs with subfields and those without

4.2.1. CSRs with sub-fields

<name>:                                   # name of the csr
  description: <text>                     # textual description of the csr
  address: <hex>                          # address of the csr
  priv_mode: <D/M/H/S/U>                  # privilege mode that owns the register
  reset-val: <hex>                        # Reset value of the register. This an accumulation
                                          # of the all reset values of the sub-fields
  rv32:                                   # this node and its subsequent fields can exist
                                          # if [M/S/U]XL value can be 1
    accessible: <boolean>                 # indicates if the csr is accessible in rv32 mode or not.
                                          # When False, all fields below will be trimmed off
                                          # in the checked yaml. False also indicates that
                                          # access-exception should be generated.
    fields:                               # a quick summary of the list of all fields of the
                                          # csr including a list of WPRI fields of the csr.
      - <field_name1>
      - <field_name2>
      - - [23,30]                         # A list which contains a squashed pair
        - 6                               # (of form [lsb,msb]) of all WPRI bits within the
                                          # csr. Does not exist if there are no WPRI bits

    <field_name1>:                        # name of the field
      description: <text>                 # textual description of the csr
      shadow: <csr-name>::<field>         # which this field shadows,'none' indicates that
                                          # this field does not shadow anything.
      msb: <integer>                      # msb index of the field. max: 31, min:0
      lsb: <integer>                      # lsb index of the field. max: 31, min:0
      implemented: <boolean>              # indicates if the user has implemented this field
                                          # or not. When False, all
                                          # fields below this will be trimmed.
      type:                               # type of field. Can be only one of the following
        wlrl: [list of value-descriptors] # field is wlrl and the set of legal values.
        ro_constant: <hex>                # field is readonly and will return the same value.
        ro_variable: True                 # field is readonly but the value returned depends
                                          # on other arch-states
        warl:                             # field is warl type. Refer to WARL section
          dependency_fields: [list]
          legal: [list of warl-string]
          wr_illegal: [list of warl-string]
  rv64:                                   # this node and its subsequent fields can exist
                                          # if [M/S/U]XL value can be 2
    accessible: <boolean>                 # indicates if this register exists in rv64 mode
                                          # or not. Same definition as for rv32 node.
  rv128:                                  # this node and its subsequent fields can exist if
                                          # [M/S/U]XL value can be 3
    accessible: <boolean>                 # indicates if this register exists in rv128 mode
                                          # or not. Same definition as for rv32 node.

4.2.2. CSRs without sub-fields

<name>:                                 # name of the csr
  description: <text>                   # textual description of the csr
  address: <hex>                        # address of the csr
  priv_mode: <D/M/H/S/U>                # privilege mode that owns the register
  reset-val: <hex>                      # Reset value of the register. This an accumulation
                                        # of the all reset values of the sub-fields
  rv32:                                 # this node and its subsequent fields can exist
                                        # if [M/S/U]XL value can be 1
    accessible: <boolean>               # indicates if the csr is accessible in rv32 mode or not.
                                        # When False, all fields below will be trimmed off
                                        # in the checked yaml. False also indicates that
                                        # access-exception should be generated
    fields: []                          # This should be empty always.
    shadow: <csr-name>::<register>      # which this register shadows,'none' indicates that
                                        # this register does not shadow anything.
    msb: <int>                          # msb index of the csr. max: 31, min:0
    lsb: <int>                          # lsb index of the csr. max: 31, min:0
    type:                               # type of field. Can be only one of the following
      wlrl: [list of value-descriptors] # field is wlrl and the set of legal values.
      ro_constant: <hex>                # field is readonly and will return the same value.
      ro_variable: True                 # field is readonly but the value returned depends
                                        # on other arch-states
      warl:                             # field is warl type. Refer to WARL section
        dependency_fields: [list]
        legal: [list of warl-string]
        wr_illegal: [list of warl-string]
  rv64:                                 # this node and its subsequent fields can exist
                                        # if [M/S/U]XL value can be 2
    accessible: <boolean>               # indicates if this register exists in rv64 mode
                                        # or not. Same definition as for rv32 node.
  rv128:                                # this node and its subsequent fields can exist if
                                        # [M/S/U]XL value can be 3
    accessible: <boolean>              # indicates if this register exists in rv128 mode

4.2.3. Constraints

Each csr undergoes the following checks:

  1. All implemented fields at the csr-level, if set to True, are checked if they comply with the supported_xlen field of the ISA yaml.

  2. The reset-val is checked against compliance with the type field specified by the user. All unimplemented fields are considered to be hardwired to 0.

For each of the above templates the following fields for all standard csrs defined by the spec are frozen and CANNOT be modified by the user.

  • description

  • address

  • priv_mode

  • fields

  • shadow

  • msb

  • lsb

  • The type field for certain csrs (like readonly) is also constrained.

  • fields names also cannot be modified for standard csrs

Only the following fields can be modified by the user:

  • reset-value

  • type

  • implemented

4.2.4. Example

Following is an example of how a user can define the mtvec csr in the input ISA YAML for a 32-bit core:

reset-val: 0x80010000
  accessible: true
    implemented: true
        dependency_fields: [mtvec::mode]
          - "mode[1:0] in [0] -> base[29:0] in [0x20000000, 0x20004000]"             # can take only 2 fixed values in direct mode.
          - "mode[1:0] in [1] -> base[29:6] in [0x000000:0xF00000] base[5:0] in [0x00]" # 256 byte aligned values only in vectored mode.
          - "mode[1:0] in [0] -> Unchanged"
          - "mode[1:0] in [1] && writeval in [0x2000000:0x4000000] -> 0x2000000"
          - "mode[1:0] in [1] && writeval in [0x4000001:0x3FFFFFFF] -> Unchanged"
    implemented: true
        dependency_fields: []
          - "mode[1:0] in [0x0:0x1] # Range of 0 to 1 (inclusive)"
          - "Unchanged"

The following is what the riscv-config will output after performing relevant checks on the above user-input:

  description: MXLEN-bit read/write register that holds trap vector configuration.
  address: 773
  priv_mode: M
  reset-val: 0x80010000
    accessible: true
      implemented: true
          dependency_fields: [mtvec::mode, writeval]
          - 'mode[1:0] in [0] -> base[29:0] in [0x20000000, 0x20004000]'               # can take only 2 fixed values in direct mode.
          - 'mode[1:0] in [1] -> base[29:6] in [0x000000:0xF00000] base[5:0] in [0x00]'   # 256 byte aligned values only in vectored mode.
          - 'mode[1:0] in [0] -> Unchanged'
          - 'mode[1:0] in [1] && writeval in [0x2000000:0x4000000] -> 0x2000000'
          - 'mode[1:0] in [1] && writeval in [0x4000001:0x3FFFFFFF] -> Unchanged'
      description: Vector base address.
      shadow: none
      msb: 31
      lsb: 2
      implemented: true
          dependency_fields: []
          - 'mode[1:0] in [0x0:0x1] # Range of 0 to 1 (inclusive)'
          - Unchanged

      description: Vector mode.
      shadow: none
      msb: 1
      lsb: 0
    - mode
    - base
    accessible: false

4.3. WARL field Definition

Since the RISC-V privilege spec indicates several csrs and sub-fields of csrs to be WARL (Write-Any-Read-Legal), it is necessary to provide a common scheme of representation which can precisely define the functionality of any such WARL field/register.

4.3.1. Value Descriptors

Value descriptors are standard syntaxes that are used to define values in any part of the WARL string. The 2 basic descriptors are : distinct-values and range-values as described below:

  • distinct-values - This specifies that only the particular value should be added to the set.

  • range - This specifies that all the values greater than or equal to lower and less than or equal to upper is to be included in the set.


For any variable in the WARL string, the values can an amalgamation of distinct-values and/or range-values. They are typically captured in a list as shown in the below examples:


# To represent the set {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5}

# To represent the set {5, 10, 31}
  [5, 10, 31]

# To represent the set {2, 3, 4, 5, 10, 11, 12, 13, 50}
  [2:5, 10:13, 50]

4.3.2. WARL Node definition

A typical WARL node (used for a WARL csr or subfield) has the following skeleton in the riscv-config:

   dependency_fields: [list of csrs/subfields that legal values depend on]
   legal: [list of strings adhering to the warl-syntax for legal assignments]
   wr_illegal: [list of strings ahdering to the warl-syntax for illegal assignments]
  • dependency_fields : This is a list of csrs/subfields whose values affect the legal values of the csr under question. :: is used as a hierarchy separator to indicate subfields. This list can be empty to indicate that the csr under question is not affected by any other architectural state. The ordering of the csr/subfields has no consequence. Examples of the list are provided below:

    - dependency_fields: [mtvec::mode]
    - dependency_fields: [misa::mxl, mepc]

    The following keywords are reserved and can be used accordingly in the dependency_fields list:

    • writeval : to represent dependency on the current value being written to the csr/subfield

    • currval : to represent dependency on the value of the csr/subfield before performing the write operation

    Restrictions imposed: The following restrictions are imposed on the elements of the list:

    1. The csrs/subfields mentioned in the list must have their accessible/implemented fields set to True in the isa yaml.

  • legal : This field is a list of strings which define the warl functions of the csr/subfield. Each string needs to adhere to the following warl-syntax:

    dependency_string -> legal_value_string

    The dependency_string substring is basically a string defining a boolean condition based on the dependent csrs (those listed in the dependency_fields). Only when the boolean condition is satisfied, the corresponding warl function defined in legal_value_string substring is evaluated. A write only occurs when the evaluation of the legal_value_string also is True. The symbol -> is used to denote implies and is primarily used to split the string in to the above two substrings. If none of the entries in the list evaluate to True, then the current write value is considered illegal and the actions defined by the wr_illegal field is carried out.

    The substrings dependency_string -> is optional. If the dependency_fields list is empty, then the substring dependency_string -> must be omitted from the warl string.

    The dependency_string and the legal_value_string both follow the same legal syntax:

    <variable-name>[<hi-index>:<lo-index>] <op> <value-descriptors>

    The variable-name field can be the name a csr or a subfield (without the hierarchical delimiter ::). Within the dependency_string substring the variable names can only be those listed in the dependency_fields list. In the legal_value_string substring however, the variable-name should be either writeval or the name the csr or the subfield (without the hierarchical delimiter ::) that the warl node belongs to.

    The indices fields hi-index and lo-index are used to indicate the bit range of the variable that being looked-up or modified. The basic constraints are that hi-index must be greater than the lo-index. If only a single-bit is being looked-up/assigned, then :lo-index can be skipped. This definition applies to both the dependency_string and the legal_value_string.

    The op field in the dependency_string substring can be one of in or not in to indicate that the variable takes the values defined in the value-descriptors field or does not take those values respectively. In addition to the above operators, the legal_value_string can include one more operator : bitmask. When using the bitmask operator the value-descriptors have to be a list of two distinct-values as follows:

    csr_name[hi:lo] bitmask [mask, fixedval]

    Both the mask and fixedval fields are integers. All bits set in the mask indicates writable bits of the variable. All bits bits cleared in the mask indicate bits with a constant value which is derived from the corresponding bit in the fixedval field.

    Since the dependency_string is supposed to represent a boolean condition, it also has the flexibility to use basic boolean operators like && and || around the above legal syntax. Examples are provided below:

    (csrA[2:0] in [0, 1]) && (csrB[5:0] in [0:25] || csrB[5:0] in [31,30]) ->

    Restrictions imposed: The following restrictions are imposed on the above substrings:

    1. No element of the value-descriptors must exceed the maximum value which can be supported by the indices of the csr/subfield.

    2. The csrs/subfields used in the dependency_string must be in those listed in the dependency_fields list.

    3. Valid operators in the dependency_string substring are in and not in.

    4. Valid operators in the legal_value_string substring are in, not in and bitmask

    5. Within the legal_value_string substrings the legal values of all bits of the csr/subfield must be specified. No bits must be left undefined.

    6. If the dependency_fields is empty, then only one legal string must be defined in this list.

    7. The first combination of the dependency_string and legal_value_string to evaluate to True, starting from the top of the list is given highest priority to define the next legal value of the csr/subfield.

    8. The reset-value of the csr/subfield must cause atleast one of the legal strings in the list to evaluate to True.


    1. Since the list of all dependency_string substrings is not required to be exhaustively defined by the user, if none of the dependency_strings in the list evaluate to true, then the current write operation should be treated as an illegal write operation, and the action defined by the wr_illegal node must be carried out.

    2. If one of the dependent csrs/subfield defined in the dependency_fields is not used in the dependency_strings, then it implictly assumed that, the variable does not affect the legal value for that string

  • wr_illegal : This field takes in a list of strings which define the next legal value of the field when an illegal value is being written to the csr/subfield. Each string needs to adhere to the following syntax:

    dependency_string -> update_mode

    The dependency_string follows the same rules, assumptions and restrictions described above. When the dependency_string evaluates to True the update_mode substring defines the next legal value of the csr/subfield. The supported values of the update_mode string are :

    • Unchanged: The value remains unchanged to the current legal value held in the csr/subfield.

    • <val>: A single value can also be specified

    • Nextup: ceiling(writeval) i.e. the next larger or the largest element of the legal list

    • Nextdown: floor(writeval) i.e. the next smallest or the smallest element of the legal list

    • Nearup: celing(writeval) i.e. the closest element in the list, with the larger element being chosen in case of a tie.

    • Neardown: floor(writeval) i.e. the closes element in the list, with the smaller element being chosen in case of a tie

    • Max: maximum of all legal values

    • Min: minimum of all legal values

    • Addr:

      if ( val < base || val > bound)
          return Flip-MSB of field

4.3.3. Examples

# When base of mtvec depends on the mode field.
  dependency_fields: [mtvec::mode]
    - "mode[1:0] in [0] -> base[29:0] in [0x20000000, 0x20004000]"  # can take only 2 fixed values when mode==0.
    - "mode[1:0] in [1] -> base[29:6] in [0x000000:0xF00000] base[5:0] in [0x00]" # 256 byte aligned when mode==1
    - "mode[1:0] in [0] -> unchanged"
    - "mode[1:0] in [1] && writeval in [0x2000000:0x4000000] -> 0x2000000" # predefined value if write value is
    - "mode[1:0] in [1] && writeval in [0x4000001:0x3FFFFFFF] -> unchanged"

# When base of mtvec depends on the mode field. Using bitmask instead of range
  dependency_fields: [mtvec::mode]
    - "mode[1:0] in [0] -> base[29:0] in [0x20000000, 0x20004000]"  # can take only 2 fixed values when mode==0.
    - "mode[1:0] in [1] -> base[29:0] bitmask [0x3FFFFFC0, 0x00000000]" # 256 byte aligned when mode==1
    - "mode[1:0] in [0] -> unchanged" # no illegal for bitmask defined legal strings.
    - Unchanged

# no dependencies. Mode field of mtvec can take only 2 legal values using range-descriptor
    - "mode[1:0] in [0x0:0x1] # Range of 0 to 1 (inclusive)"
    - "0x00"

# no dependencies. using single-value-descriptors
    - "mode[1:0] in [0x0,0x1] # Range of 0 to 1 (inclusive)"
    - "0x00"

4.4. Platform YAML Spec

This section describes each node of the PLATFORM-YAML. For each node, we have identified the fields required from the user and also the various constraints involved.

4.4.1. reset

  • Description: Stores the value for the reset vector. It can either be a label or an address.

    • label: A string field equal to the label in the assembly code

    • address: A value equal to the absolute address where the vector is present

  • Constraints: label and address both cannot be defined

  • Examples:

      label: reset_vector
      label: 0x80000000

4.4.2. nmi

  • Description: Stores the value for the nmi vector. It can either be a label or an address.

    • label: A string field equal to the label in the assembly code.

    • address: A value equal to the absolute address where the vector is present.

  • Constraints: label and address both cannot be defined

  • Examples:

       label: nmi_vector
       address: 0x8000000

4.4.3. mtime

  • Description: Stores the fields for memory mapped mtime register.

    • implemented: A boolean field indicating that the register has been implemented.

    • address: A value equal to the physical address at which the register is present.

  • Examples:

       implemented: True
       address: 0x458

4.4.4. mtimecmp

  • Description: Stores the fields for memory mapped mtimecmp register.

    • implemented: A boolean field indicating that the register has been implemented.

    • address: A value equal to the physical address at which the register is present.

  • Examples:

       implemented: True
       address: 0x458

4.4.5. mtval_condition_writes

  • Description: Stores the fields for mtval_condition_writes register.

    • implemented: A Boolean value indicating whether the register is implemented.

    • behaviour: A dictionary type to specify which of the exceptions modify the mtval_condition_writes reg

      • e0: A string type describing the behaviour of exception 0.

      • e1: A string type describing the behaviour of exception 1.

      • e2: A string type describing the behaviour of exception 2.

      • e3: A string type describing the behaviour of exception 3.

      • e4: A string type describing the behaviour of exception 4.

      • e5: A string type describing the behaviour of exception 5.

      • e6: A string type describing the behaviour of exception 6.

      • e7: A string type describing the behaviour of exception 7.

      • e8: A string type describing the behaviour of exception 8.

      • e9: A string type describing the behaviour of exception 9.

      • e10: A string type describing the behaviour of exception 10.

      • e11: A string type describing the behaviour of exception 11.

      • e12: A string type describing the behaviour of exception 12.

      • e13: A string type describing the behaviour of exception 13.

      • e15: A string type describing the behaviour of exception 15.

  • Examples:

TBD: Provide a concrete use-case for the above.

4.4.6. scause_non_standard

  • Description: Stores the fields for the scause register.

    • implemented: A boolean field indicating that the register has been implemented.

    • values: The list of exception values greater than 16 as assumed by the platform as integers.

  • Examples:

       implemented: True
       value: [16,17,20]

4.4.7. stval_condition_writes

  • Description: Stores the fields for stval_condition_writes register.

    • implemented: A Boolean value indicating whether the field is implemented.

    • behaviour: A dictionary type to specify which of the exceptions modify the stval_condition_writes reg

      • e0: A string type describing the behaviour of exception 0.

      • e1: A string type describing the behaviour of exception 1.

      • e2: A string type describing the behaviour of exception 2.

      • e3: A string type describing the behaviour of exception 3.

      • e4: A string type describing the behaviour of exception 4.

      • e5: A string type describing the behaviour of exception 5.

      • e6: A string type describing the behaviour of exception 6.

      • e7: A string type describing the behaviour of exception 7.

      • e8: A string type describing the behaviour of exception 8.

      • e9: A string type describing the behaviour of exception 9.

      • e10: A string type describing the behaviour of exception 10.

      • e11: A string type describing the behaviour of exception 11.

      • e12: A string type describing the behaviour of exception 12.

      • e13: A string type describing the behaviour of exception 13.

      • e15: A string type describing the behaviour of exception 15.

  • Examples:

    TBD: Provide a concrete use-case for the above.

4.4.8. zicbo_cache_block_sz

  • Description: byte size of the cache block

  • Constraints:

    • zicbom_sz cannot exceed 4096

    • zicboz_sz cannot exceed 4096

    • for both the above variables the integer must be a power of 2

  • Examples:

    zicbo_cache_block_sz :
      implemented: true
      zicbom_sz: 64
      zicboz_sz: 64

4.5. Debug YAML Spec

4.5.1. supported_xlen

Description: list of supported xlen on the target


supported_xlen : [32]
supported_xlen : [64, 32]
supported_xlen : [64]


  • None

4.5.2. Debug_Spec_Version

Description: Version number of Debug specification as string. Please enclose the version in “” to avoid type mismatches.


Debug_Spec_Version: "1.0.0"
Debug_Spec_Version: "0.13.2"


  • should be a valid version later than 1.0.0

4.5.3. debug_mode

Description: Boolean value indicating if the debug instructions are accessible.


debug_mode: False

4.5.4. parking_loop

Description: Integer value indicating the address of the debug parking loop


parking_loop: 0x800