5. Adding support for new Extensions

Adding support for a new ISA extension or an adjoining spec to RISCV-CONFIG could entail one or more of the following updates:

  1. Updating the ISA string and its constraints to recognize valid configurations of the new extension

  2. Updating the schema_isa.yaml with new CSRs defined by the new ISA extension

  3. Adding new schemas and a new cli argument for supporting adjoining RISC-V specs like debug, trace, etc.

This chapter will descrive how one can go about RISC-V achieving the above tasks.

5.1. Updates to the ISA string

5.1.1. Modifications in constants.py

As shown in the example below, any new extensions and sub extensions have to be enabled by adding them in the regex expression of the isa_regex node. Following is an instance of the node for reference:

Z_extensions = [

“Zicbom”, “Zicbop”, “Zicboz”, “Zicsr”, “Zifencei”, “Zihintpause”, “Zam”, “Zfh”, “Zfinx”, “Zdinx”, “Zhinx”, “Zhinxmin”, “Ztso”, “Zba”, “Zbb”, “Zbc”, “Zbe”, “Zbf”, “Zbkb”, “Zbkc”, “Zbkx”, “Zbm”, “Zbp”, “Zbr”, “Zbs”, “Zbt”, “Zk”, “Zkn”, “Zknd”, “Zkne”, “Zknh”, “Zkr”, “Zks”, “Zksed”, “Zksh”, “Zkt”, “Zmmul”, “Svnapot”

] isa_regex =



If you are adding a new Z extension, note that it must be added to the list (Z_extensions) above the regex. This list will be used to generate the correct matching regex, with two instances of each Z extension; first one immediately after the standard extension in the format |Zgargle. This is to support that fact that the new Z extension could start immediately after the standard extensions which an underscore. The second will be after the first set of Z extensions in the format (_(…|Zgargle).

5.1.2. Adding constraints in the SchemaValidator.py file

While adding a new extension, there can be certain legal and illegal combinations which cannot be easily expressed using the regex above. To facilitate defining illegal conditions, riscv-config allows user to define specific checks via custom python functions.

For the ISA field riscv-config uses the _check_with_capture_isa_specifics function to return an error if an illegal combination of the extesions (or subextension) is found.

Following is an example of the constraints imposed by the K extesion and its subset. Within the K (Crypto-Scalar extension), subextensions Zkn, Zks, K are supersets of other Zk* abbreviations. Thus, if the superset extension exists in the ISA, none of the corresponding subset ZK* should be present in the ISA at the same time.

Constraints used here :

1.If Zkn is present , its subset extensions Zkne, Zknh, Zknd, Zkg and Zkb cannot be present in the ISA string.

2.If Zks is present , its subset extensions Zkse, Zksh, Zkg and Zkb cannot be present in the ISA string.

3.If K extension is present , its subset extensions Zkn, Zkr, Zkne, Zknh, Zknd, Zkg and Zkb cannot be present in the ISA string.

  1. If B extension Zbp is present , its subset extensions Zkb cannot be present in the ISA string. Cross-checking across two different extensions can also be done. Zkb contains instructions from other subextensions in B extension like Zbm, Zbe, Zbf and Zbb , but unlike Zbp is not a proper superset.

  2. If B extension Zbc is present , its subset extensions Zkg cannot be present in the ISA string.

if 'Zkg' in extension_list and 'Zbc' in extension_list:
    self._error(field, "Zkg being a proper subset of Zbc (from B extension) should be ommitted from the ISA string")
if 'Zkb' in extension_list and 'Zbp' in extension_list :
    self._error(field, "Zkb being a proper subset of Zbp (from B extension) should be ommitted from the ISA string")
if 'Zks' in extension_list and ( set(['Zkse', 'Zksh','Zkg','Zkb']) & set(extension_list) ):
    self._error(field, "Zks is a superset of Zkse, Zksh, Zkg and Zkb. In presence of Zks the subsets must be ignored in the ISA string.")
if 'Zkn' in extension_list and ( set(['Zkne','Zknd','Zknh','Zkg','Zkb']) & set(extension_list) ):
    self._error(field, "Zkn is a superset of Zkne, Zknd, Zknh, Zkg and Zkb, In presence of Zkn the subsets must be ignored in the ISA string")
if 'K' in extension_list and ( set(['Zkn','Zkr','Zkne','Zknd','Zknh','Zkg','Zkb']) & set(extension_list) ) :
    self._error(field, "K is a superset of Zkn and Zkr , In presence of K the subsets must be ignored in the ISA string")

5.2. Assing new CSR definitions

There are two parts to addition of a new csr definition to riscv-config

5.2.1. Addition of new csrs to schema

The first step is to add the schema of the new csr in the schema_isa.yaml file. Following is an example of how the stval csr of the “S” extension is a added to the schema.


for each csr the user is free to define and re-use existing check_with functions to impose further legal conditions. In the example below, the stval should only be implemented if the “S” extension in the ISA field is set. This is checked using the s_check function. Any new check_with functions must be defined in the schemaValidator.py file

   type: dict
       type: string
       default: The stval is a warl register that holds the address of the instruction
         which caused the exception.
     address: {type: integer, default: 0x143, allowed: [0x143]}
     priv_mode: {type: string, default: S, allowed: [S]}
       type: integer
       default: 0
       check_with: max_length
       type: dict
       check_with: s_check
         fields: {type: list, default: []}
         shadow: {type: string, default: , nullable: True}
         msb: {type: integer, default: 31, allowed: [31]}
         lsb: {type: integer, default: 0, allowed: [0]}
           type: dict
           check_with: wr_illegal
           schema: { warl: *ref_warl }
               dependency_fields: []
               - stval[31:0] in [0x00000000:0xFFFFFFFF]
               - unchanged

           type: boolean
           default: true
           check_with: rv32_check
       default: {accessible: false}
       type: dict
       check_with: s_check
         fields: {type: list, default: []}
         shadow: {type: string, default: , nullable: True}
         msb: {type: integer, default: 63, allowed: [63]}
         lsb: {type: integer, default: 0, allowed: [0]}
           type: dict
           check_with: wr_illegal
           schema: { warl: *ref_warl }
               dependency_fields: []
               - stval[63:0] in [0x00000000:0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF]
               - unchanged

           default: true
           check_with: rv64_check
       default: {accessible: false}

5.2.2. Adding default setters in checker.py

The next step in adding a new csr definition if to add its default values. This is done in checker.py

Example of adding a default setter for stval is show below. This code basically makes the stval csr accessible by default when the “S” extension is enabled in the ISA string.

schema_yaml['stval']['default_setter'] = sregsetter
def sregset():
 '''Function to set defaults based on presence of 'S' extension.'''
 global inp_yaml
 temp = {'rv32': {'accessible': False}, 'rv64': {'accessible': False}}
 if 'S' in inp_yaml['ISA']:
   if 32 in inp_yaml['supported_xlen']:
     temp['rv32']['accessible'] = True
   if 64 in inp_yaml['supported_xlen']:
     temp['rv64']['accessible'] = True
 return temp

5.3. Adding support for Adjoining RISC-V specs

5.3.1. Adding new CLI

For supporting any new adjoining specs, they need to be supplied via a new cli (command line interface) argument. This new argument needs to be added in the to the parser module in Utils.py <https://github.com/riscv/riscv-config/blob/d969b7dc5b2b308bb43b0aa65932fe2e7f8c756c/riscv_config/utils.py#L106>.

The code below shows an example of how the debug spec is added as an argument to the cli parser module:

parser.add_argument('--debug_spec', '-dspec', type=str, metavar='YAML', default=None, help='The YAML which contains the debug csr specs.')

5.3.2. Adding a new schema

Each new adjoining spec must have a YAML schema defined in the schemas <https://github.com/riscv/riscv-config/tree/master/riscv_config/schemas> director.

5.3.3. Adding checks through checker.py and SchemaValidator.py

The user might want to add more custom checks in checker.py and SchemaValidator.py for the adjoining spec.

For example the check_debug_specs() is a function that ensures the isa and debug specifications conform to their schemas. For details on check_debug_specs() check here : riscv_config.checker.

Details on the checks like s_debug_check() and u_debug_check, that can also be added to SchemaValidator.py are here: riscv_config.schemaValidator.

5.3.4. Modifications in Constants.py

The new schema must be added in the constants.py to detect its path globally across other files.

debug_schema = os.path.join(root, 'schemas/schema_debug.yaml')

5.3.5. Performing new spec checks

Finally, in the main.py file the user must call the relevant functions from checker.py for validating the inputs against the schema.

if args.debug_spec is not None:
    if args.isa_spec is None:
     logger.error(' Isa spec missing, Compulsory for debug')
    checker.check_debug_specs(os.path.abspath(args.debug_spec), isa_file, work_dir, True, args.no_anchors)